product line
About the products
All the products of this company have all existing international quality certificates, including Kosher, Halal and FDA which allow to sell this product in any country of the world.
Product Groups
Group 1 - the directional consumer demand products. These are products for women and men aimed at cleansing the body, the liver, the kidneys, improving the eyesight etc. They include products based on Amla, a unique mineral complex which has no analogues in the world Multiminerals 74 Aqwamin containing 100% assimilated by calcium.
Group 2 - healthy eating products: shakes, cocktails, cereals, jellies, omelettes, soups, mixes for baking dietary bread, eating products containing no GMO and hazardous ingredients, which help normalize weight and improve the general state.
Group 3 - affordable cosmetics, gels, soap etc.
Group 4 – VIP Japanese nano-cosmetics ICHI was presented at the Russian and international markets, but the exclusive power of sale has been repurchased by company Perfect Organics.
Group 5 – ecological household chemicals: washing detergents, cleaning detergents etc.
Group 6 – perfumery, perfumes.
Group 7 – it’s a new unique possibility for all manufacturers, each manufacturer can register in the company on the site and offer his/her production for sale to the network which already has a database of customers. The system will automatically assign the scoring and monetary value. It’s very beneficial for many while the cost of products will be cheaper than the market one by excluding the mediators. This group also include such services as delivery of meals, pizzas, babysitting, home help, a psychologist, a cosmetologist. With the possibility to restrict the services within the city, district, region, country and world.
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